Wisdom from Yogi Berra as it applies to background checks (stay with me here)

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “You know who I miss?  Yogi Berra.  I bet he would have had something to say about your background checks.” Ann: “Yogi Berra?” Customer: “You know—he was a great catcher, coach and manager, played mostly for the Yankees.” Ann: “Well, yeah, I know who Yogi Berra is.  But…

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Perspective is Subjective – Facts Are Not

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I make my decisions with my gut.  I can look at an applicant and know if they are bullsquacking me.” Ann (raises eyebrows): “Bullsquacking? Customer: “I’m keeping it clean for the kids that no doubt read your blog.” Ann: “Ah (thinks fondly of her legions of fans). So,…

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Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I heard you took in an Angel’s game this weekend.” Ann (tosses baseball cap onto the hatrack): “We did! (Hums “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”) Would you like to know what I saw that reminds me that baseball and background checks are so similar? Customer: “I cannot…

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