[Phone rings]
Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.”
Customer: “I hear Thanksgiving is one of your favorite holidays.”
Ann (hikes up sleeves of her sweater adorned with a turkey): “It is! Fall foliage, cool days, all the gratitude and family. . .”
Customer: “Geez. . .you SOUND like a Norman Rockwell painting.”
Ann (continues, not missing a beat): How about we count the blessings background checks bring?”
Customer (mutters): “I’ll get the gravy. . .”
In my opinion there are two amazing things background checks will do for a company:
- Protect you from juries
- Protect you from headlines
Let’s give thanks that, because you do complete, competent background checks, your company is much less likely to be sued for negligent hiring:
Negligent hiring is a claim made by an injured party against an employer based on the theory that the employer knew or should have known about the employee’s background which, if known, indicates a dangerous or untrustworthy character.
What’s the top way to avoid negligent hiring?
Pre-employment background checks. Complete and thorough pre-employment background checks.
Background checks will let you know if that prospective employee has ever been convicted of assault or battery (what if you didn’t check and that employee took a swing at a disgruntled customer?) Miller vs. ABC Corporation, sues for $1.5 million in damages.
Background checks will let you know if that prospective employee has been convicted of embezzlement. Headline: Local Restaurant Goes Out of Business, Manager Had Hand in Till.
Background checks will let you know if that prospective employee has the education they claim. Headline: XYZ Corporation loses 25% of Stock Value, CFO Lied About MBA.
Finally, you don’t have to be perfect. Just be able to prove—should something happen—that you give it your best effort, that you did what you could to avoid negligent hiring.
Be grateful! None of these scenarios are you or your company, because you have thorough, complete background checks performed on all your prospects. And if you don’t? Call us at (714) 587-9166.